Move your cloud workload with ease and confidence

The Azure Resource Move program is defined to assist customer moving cloud workload from one Azure tenant to another. The existing workload is assessed to quickly detect resource limitations for a “move” operation. Based on this assessment a plan for a seamless move / migration is created; technical to resolve resource limitations and application focused planning to align with the application owners in scope of the initiative. 

DexMach resource move program is an assessment and roadmap journey to proper plan the move of resources to another environment. It consist of a consultancy and assistance tasks to collaborate with the customers and an “intelligence” part where DexMach tooling is used to detect limitations or resources that need special attention for this move operation.  

Want to know more? Have a chat with us!

Glenn Mattys

Glenn Mattys

Head of Customer Innovation

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Glenn Mattys

Filip De Byser

Cloud Managed Services

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